Yesterday was a fun day. Cory finished up the weed wacking around and about...and then I really put him to work. Years ago, when we moved into this home, the previous owner had planted a rose plant in a very awkward spot, and it truly wasn't thriving. Cory got rid of it...I think he threw it in the bank in front of our house. For the past two years every summer a beautiful primrose looking plant flourishes amongst the weeds....yesterday we tried to untangle that web...we did pretty well....there was much scraping and pricking...but we endured...I never knew how long they could get...by this point there were at least 3 plants or more. We went to Wal*Mart and got a fairly cheap trellis...I wanted the kind that was an arbor...but they did not have them there...oh well. Anyways...We set them up and tied the long stalks to the trellis with fishing line...I don't know if they are going to make it or not...they looked pretty wilted...I will have to be sure to give them plenty of water. If they do make it, it will look very pretty...for those of you who have been to our home...I put it along side the garage that is beside the yard...I also planted 3 rose of sharon a little farther out...and then the two trellis are set close to the garage and well...maybe I should just take a picture...until then...
Yesterday was a special day for Esther. Esther was invited to a preschool pals birthday party. This was her first "big girl party". Where? None other than the Reptile Co. I made Cory go with her. He said she was the only one who held all of the animals...she even held a tanrantula....that freaks me out! Anyways, she was so excited to give Tanner his gift...which was Jenga. She came home with all sorts of stories to tell, and an almost gone goodie bag...she had the time of her life!
Who or what is Jenga?
You've never heard of JENGA?!!! You don't know what you're missing. It's a game.
Yes, Jenga is a block game...they are small rectangular..they are built in a tower and then each person has to take a block out without letting the tower fall...kids love it...apparently big kids like JJ too!
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