Friday, November 03, 2006


For those of you who are interested in knowing....I had my sonar yesterday, but it wasn't the 4D like I thought it would be. Apparently they don't do that one until 28 looks like I will be having 4 ultra sounds all together!!! Anyway...down to the real reason for this post!!! We are having a boy...and his name is to be Elijah Joshua Valentine~ we will call him Eli for short. The kids are so excited as are Cory and I. Time to dig out all of Isaacs baby clothes :-) I will love having a little tiny boy in the house again :-) God has been so good to us...I just still can't believe I am having another. The baby was not quite a pound yet...12 oz. and 10 in long...Also I guess my placenta is attatched in the front, and up high....high is good...front...I am not so sure about. I must have had my other ones attatched in the back, because I have not felt this baby move very much, and was a little worried at first...but it makes sense now, that my placenta acts like a cushion. Make no mistake, this baby moves around I saw on the monitor...the baby turned over and was laying on his stomach with his little tiny butt up in the air...reminds me of Gayle... that is often how she sleeps. We would appreciate prayers for his continued growth and upcoming delivery...My mother mentioned that it my be tricky to have a Ceasearean if I had to have one...(lets pray not)...due to the nature of my placenta...luckily, I have an OB that is one of the best surgeons in the area...but for the time being...lets just hope that I can have as much success as I have had with my other babies :)


Rebecca said...

Oh wow! We were right! :-) I am so happy for you and I must say-I LOVE the name! I am sure Isaac is ready for a little bro.

Jemit said...

Oh boy !!! Literally..
Congratulations to you all !!

Full of Grace said...

Congratulations Cory and Wendy! I'm glad baby Elijah cooperated so that you could tell his gender, and I too Love the Name!!!

Jane said...

How fun to have another baby boy in the house! Funny, I just bought some baby boy fabric for a little comforter!

Michelle said...

I am so glad you posted this, Wendy! I had been wondering what the outcome of your u/s was! ;) Very nice name! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, congrats on the boy. Now everything is evened out at the home. BTW, funny thing happened on TV the other day. I was watching the world series, and I noticed that the Yankees weren't on TV. But the CARDS were. Things to make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Abigail said...

Congrats on the boy! I love the name.

By the way, I picked up a book for you at a book sale last weekend. It's The Little Witches Thanksgiving Book. Not quite the one you were looking for, but it's by the same author, and it's got some cool little crafts and recipes in it. Let me know if you'd like it, and I'll pass it along to Leah to pass it along to you.

Wendy said...

Hey Abby--I would love the book!!! Let me know what you paid for it and I will reimburse you :-)

Thanks for all the congrats ---we are SO excited for Eli to arrive!

Hey Coffee Snob...I shall have to check out your blog...and pass your heckling message to my hubby :) Congratulations on making Coffee Master!

Abigail said...

I'll try to get it to Leah next time I'm at my Mom's. (And of course you don't owe us a thing! We bought it at a library book sale during the bag sale, so the book cost us nearly nothing.)

Wendy said...

Thanks so much Abby...I appreciate you:)