After seeing so many pictures of everyones holiday decor...I finally did it...I put away all of my Halloween and Thanksgiving decor and moved furniture around...and yesterday we got the Christmas tubs out with all of our goodies. While Cory and the kids put the (gulp) artificial tree together~ I put around many of the nicknack items that I like so much. It was a pleasant evening, and the kids were so excited!! I pulled out Christmas projects that Isaac had made in preschool, and took time to remember them fondly...I just can't part with them :) Next, it was time to trim the Cory put on a little Harry Connick Jr. Christmas music and I took each ornament out of its tissue paper and gave each child a turn to put them on the tree. This worked out nicely, as each child seemed to have a few special ornaments with their photo or name engraved :) This year we opted for the multi colored lights--kid requested. My goal is to someday have this artificial tree in the kids playroom with all of their ornaments...and a real tree with beautiful sparkly ornaments, white lights and bows in the living room--(the adult pretty to look at tree)..and then a tall skinny tree in the kitchen decorated with gingerbread men, apples and gingham bows...and then...(oh yes, this is getting over the top)...I would like to have tiny little trees for each know like two feet or so tall...decorated how they want. I love the look of Christmas lights sparkling throughout the house :) These are my plans~~ I guess Cory might have something to say about it though. Another thing I love at this time of year is Traditions. Each year we like to get Esther one of the Charming Tails like you see in the photo above. It is a little mouse that seems to always be accompanied by a little lady bug...she has quite a few...and they are so sweet! Aunt Mandy collected them first, and then I just got the idea from her. I love Robert Duncan prints...usually every year Cory gets me one...I dont think it will happen this year, because we will most likely be going in together to buy a camcorder...ours is on the fritz. Corys family has a funny tradition. Both he and his brother Cliff have a mouse ornament from when they grew up...with their names on it. The idea is to have yours the highest up on the tree come Christmas Morning. You might think that since moving out and on their own that it would have died off...but no...Cliffy is known to call his Mom and ask her to move his to the top and Corys to the bottom. Since we live closer, Cory will use that advantage to place it is an ongoing battle every year between the always brings a smile to my face! I asked Cory if he ever thought of getting our kids some ornaments so that they could make that tradition in our house and he said he has been thinking about that very thing...I don't think it will be this year...maybe next year :) I would love to hear some of your traditions that you have!!! Be aware that I might steal the idea however....perhaps my brother in law Keith can tell about his families "ugly ornament" contest...and perhaps elaborate! *hint*hint*
When the Christmas season hits, we are all hit with stories of people who are not as fortunate as we are. I have heard about a good many on the link named shotsnaps and you will find a young man with a family who has cancer in need of your prayers...also some thanksgiving...for the family who I mentioned before having such financial struggles...the husband has gotten a job offer and accepted, they were able to get medical insurance, and thanks to a few elves who responded to them with gifts~~ they were able to pay their gas bill before it was to be shut off, and had a little left over for groceries and a tank of gas! I hope that everyone is doing well, and is enjoying this holiday season!!!
All of us (former) Johnson kids laugh at our memories of the trees we had. Looking at the pictures, we think the goal must have been to pack on as many cheap, tacky ornaments as possible, and most of them were ones we'd inexpertly made ourselves in grade school! My mom now has a much less crowded and much more aesthetically pleasing tree, so hang in there! I like the idea of multiple trees, too.
Thanks so much for your prayers for Wayne and his family. Last I heard, he is cheerful and in pretty high spirits. I appreciate your continued prayers for his healing as the Lord wills.
THAT was something I wanted to talk to you about the other day when I called, but it completely slipped my mind- This family that you were speaking about, do I also know them, and if so, could you either call me or email me with who they are? I would appreciate it. I guess I was enjoying our conversation and forgot! Thanks :)
Oh, and btw, glad you joined our "Christmas decorators union" :) hehehe
So much to respond too in this post!!! RIGHT ON with the several trees idea. I have the same goal-someday. Have a homespun and handmade tree with colored lights, and an elegant white lighted tree for me. One year my mom got each of us kids a fiberoptic Christmas tree that changes colors. It is about 2-3 feet tall and ever since, it has been in the childrens' rooms. A fun night light to be sure!
As for Christmas traditions-we really don't have any yet. Since we have been married, our Christmases have been so hurried from one family to another-without any time for ourselves, that we had no time for traditions either.
BEFORE Christmas, though, Matt and I (and now probably Corynn) have a gingerbread house contest. That is always fun. In fact, I think I will post pictures on my blog of ours this year to see who won. :-)
Now that we will have Christmas on our own, I would like to make cinnamon rolls for breakfast.
I think that is a super fun tradition for you guys to start-though the 'highest' ornament will only be as tall as Isaacs reach! :-)
Have a great weekend-I hope to see you in church on Sunday!
See? I told you there was too much-I plum forgot about the last bit of news. Per chance is this family and the newly expecting family one in the same!?! When is the littlest due?
That is a wonderful news update-do you know what the status is on the foreclosure? Will they be able to keep the house? Anyway...thanks for updating, it means a lot.
The man who has cancer is mentioned on Abbys blog...and he apparently has a young family :( So sad.
Yes Rebecca, the family I mentioned that are having financial hardships are indeed was quite a surprise to them. As far as the foreclosure ...I am not sure...I think it could go a long way knowing that he will now have a steady job...I will give more updates when I find out. I am not quite sure of the due date as of yet. I will post that later.
Elizabeth, I will get that info to you...or if you grow tired of waiting you can also find out from Rebecca since you will most likely see her tomorrow. (hooray!) Thanks for inquiring!
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