Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I posted lots of photos to update my blog....I don't think I will ever really "get" how to put them in the right order..HA!  Everything sort of reads backwards!  I am sure you all are smart enough to figure it out and look past by blogging mistakes! 

It has been a busy month, and I wish I had more time to spend blogging, and looking at everyone elses blogs too!  I am sorry if I have not commented on your blogs, I hope to change that in the near future!

Summer is drawing to a close...every time I see a Hibiscus plant that has flowered...it is bittersweet.  To me, it signals the ending of summer...I wish it was just a little longer! 

Thanks for enduring all of my flaws!  He He He!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

It is good to hear from you! I love these updates; I'll take them WHEN I can get them and HOW they appear....and I will be happy no matter what.

Looks like you all are having a really great summer. I love all the family shots you have. How come all your kids are always looking at you and smiling and whenever I try and get all the children together in a picture one is blinking, one is making a weird face, one is walking away and who knows what else? Totally not fair!


Good to hear from you Wendy. All my love to you and yours from me and mine.