Friday, March 31, 2006

The Agenda for Today

Today I am again home with the girls, and will finish up the last of the laundry! I hope to be able to read a bit today too. That is my favorite pasttime...snuggling up with a good magazine or book and a cup of tea. Heaven.
Later on in the day we will go to Corys first baseball game of the season! He was walking around the house with a big grin this morning...what a kid! Let's hope he wins!
Well, loading all those pictures took more time than I had planned, I need to get busy and make beds, wash dishes, get my chores done so we can spend some time outside--it is BEAUTIFUL out! Enjoying the Sunshine!


Jemit said...

Hey....I love the pictures! I hadn't seen Isaac's school picture, but it's cute and it's HIM. That makes it adorable.
Good job!!

Jane said...

The pictures are great! It is hard to see Gaylie tho.
I have not figured out how to do the pictures.
I think Isaac looks adorable!
Esther is beautiful!

Jemit said...

so....who won the opener?