Sunday, November 21, 2010


I like to think that I am a thrifty...frugal person. I am really happy that we have been able to stop "eating out" frequently. I think the last time I ate out was when my mom was visiting, and our grocery trip went longer than planned. Cory had to eat out when he went to Ohio...(well, I could have packed something...) anyhow... I am really pleased at our attempts.

I have also been trying to pay more attention to our food choices. Cory has IBS, and Acid Reflux, so there are certain foods that trigger is High Fructose Corn Syrup. I thought ridding ourselves of this would turn our world upside down or something. You would be surprised how easy it is. We eat all the normal foods, I just read labels...I have lost 8# (which could also be because I stopped nursing)...I know Cory has lost some...and I took Isaac to the Dr and he told me that Isaac lost 9#...I was wowed. This also contributes to us not eating out since I dont know what is in the foods. We feel so different too. When my mom came, she bought the kids those chocolate cupcakes with the white swirlys on them. I took a bite, and could not eat made me sick. When you rid your body of that junk, you dont crave it.

Thanksgiving, and other holidays we have decided to just be flexible. When you eat at someones house..dont sweat can get back to it next meal. It is life changing...and it wasnt hard. Did you know Reese Cups dont have HF CS in it? Anyways...I always tell have your whole life to lose weight...develop healthy habits...dont sweat it...just do what you can.


Jthemilker said...

excellent move ditching the HFCS. If I could get my hubby off the soda pop that would be a huge PLUS!

Jthemilker said...

Next idea... glutten free... hearing a lot of hype about it lately. I know several people who have gone that way and swear it makes a huge difference (particularly related to allergies and asthma). Interesting...

Wendy said...

Well, we have found that sierra mist natural does not contain HFCS and that it tastes good too. Yes gluten is definitely related to health problems...and it is in so much! We are going to start out small and then move on to different things. I am not interested in eliminating gluten unless we have to...I would have to imagine THAT would be turning our lives upside down! Those poor celiac people!