Wednesday, September 02, 2009


Last night Cory and I were watching tv...enjoying the fact that all the kiddos were asleep...when we heard a loud screech and a bang...I looked out the window and could see a car burning...Cory told me to call 911, and he went up to assess the damage. He yelled down to me to get the fire extinguisher...he kept calling to the person in the car and could get no answer. Some of the other neighbors that heard the crash ran to get their fire extinguishers as well. Looking at the car we were sure that there was no survivors...Cory kept calling, and then all of the sudden a kid was standing next to him telling him that it was his car, he did that...all Cory could say did you get out? He had a scrape on his elbow that was about it...oh and the fact that he was drunk out of his mind might have had a bit to do with it too. He ended up taking out part of the guard rail...the neighbors mailbox, signs, and a utility pole. The reason Cory could not get an answer from him at first was because he and his friends ran down to his house to get a chain to pull the car out (which did not even belong to him...and ended up having tickets in it for driving without a liscence)...they thought that if they pulled it out...nobody would know..hmmm. Anyhow...his friends must have been the true kind because they took off in their own car so that they would not get caught...It was a CRAZY night! Turns out it was this kids 21st birthday...Happy Birthday ya crazy drunk...youre lucky to be alive! And so are the rest of us!


Rebecca said...

what an idiot.

So glad no one was hurt----but I sorta wish he would have been hurt MORE so that the lesson would be ingrained in his thick noggin.

So glad too, that he didn't crash into yours (or anyone elses) house.

Full of Grace said...

I echo Rebecca's sentiments, SO glad he didn't crash into your home and all your precious's :) Maybe he'll learn his lesson (we can only hope!)