Friday, December 22, 2006

UPDATES !!! I went to the Chiropractor yesterday...which I did not really want to do in the first place. The Chiropractor happens to be one of Corys buddies from highschool...and well, I met him before we were done with college...and lets just say he is REALLY different now..(in a good way)...and also the thought of one of his pals touching me...aaack! He was extremely proffessional, and I was impressed :) I told him my symptoms and he said he thought that he knew what was going on and he would fix he had me lay on the table...I was really scared and nervous and he said "oh you're not so bad"...and then proceeded to put my pelvis back into the proper place...with a big hop on top of me and a very loud popping sound and a big groan and gasp from me...along with lots of movement from my pelvis...and I turned and said to him that I thought it was a lot of movement for "not being so bad"--he said "Oh, you were really bad--and I said Why didnt you tell me? He said I dont know maybe because you were really scared? I laughed--smart man! I have been doing much better...just icing my back every hour!
My new cousin Harrison William Stockwell was born on the 21st of December! Congratulations Jeremy and Christy! See pictures on Jeremys Blog!
My sister in law Amy is now overdue. Please pray for her as she anticipates delivery!


Full of Grace said...

Glad you are feeling a little better- hope you are even more on the mend soon! It was nice seeing you on Sunday! Hope you had a nice Christmas and hope you sis-in-law has her baby very soon!

Abigail said...

Good news! I really empathized and am glad to hear your back has improved. (I've been pregnant and marooned on the floor before, but never in the tub, thank goodness!)