Monday, April 12, 2010


It was a treat for sure to get to see Ella over Easter. She was all dolled up, and just as precious as ever. My she is getting big!
Remember the outfit that I sewed for her? Well here she is in the hat...ADORABLE!!!
I love this shot of the back of her is such a sweet little hat :-)
My....but does she have the most beautiful, big, blues that you've EVER seen?Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Dude. I don't know what happened. I coulda swore I posted comments. I meant to. Maybe I planned on it and then eventually thought I already had, who knows.

Anyway-loved them all. Jealous of the EAster family picture---really wanted one of those myself. Maybe a different SUnday we can all dress up the same way.

LOVED the little dress you made for your niece-the fabric was GORGEOUS! (That last picture of her makes her look like a doll. I mean a REAL doll.)

Finally, I wanted to tell you have amazingly clever the idea of having a different color egg for each child is. DUH! That way they all get the same amount and big kids don't swipe all "easy" eggs from little ones. Totally stealing that idea. LOVE it.

ok-I think that is all. Looking forward to your return. Hopefully it won't be a 2 year long hiatus like last time! :-)