Thursday, November 30, 2006


Yes, poor little Gaylie. Gayle woke up last night around 1:00 with an upset stomach. She proceeded to empty it about every 15-20 min...until 5:00 in the morning! Needless to say I got NO sleep. Cory was very kind to throw the sheets in the wash and make jello around 4 a.m. and also to make arrangements for Isaac to get to school. Esther was fed and watching cartoons, and the phone was turned off, so that Gayle and I could get a little sleep. We both woke up around 8:00 with another attempt to empty her far so is around 10:00 and she has successfully kept down some jello...Must be a nasty bug going around...I just hope that the other two don't get it!!! She is very sweet throughout the whole ordeal...not like me when I am sick...she constantly wants me to hold her...and so I do. Poor little Gaylie.

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