Friday, July 10, 2009


I had my OB appt yesterday. It seems I have lost weight again. At this point in pregnancy that is quite normal...but the strange thing is that I really haven't gained any weight this entire pregnancy...hmmmm. My blood pressure was up at my last was up even more at this visit. 130/92...not good. No swelling, or protien in my urine...soooo we will just keep an eye on it. I drove back from my appt around 2:00 and realized I hadn't eaten I stopped at Wendys. I ordered fries...I was craving them soooo bad so I ordered the large ones. When I got to Corys parents house to pick up the kiddos...His mom said that all that salt wasn't going to help my blood pressure...obviously I had no idea what contributes to high blood I told her I figured I would work on the gaining weight part...ha ha. Did you know that watermelon has a lot of sodium in it? I did not. Ive been living on it. Hmmm. Also...I had a blt at Elizabeths house a while back...and well I have been hooked! I add turkey on mine too....this is really salty too...but I have this sandwich at least 2x a week...AHHHHH. I resolve to do better. That's the update!

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