Monday, July 13, 2009


Happy 7th Birthday Esther Joy!!! This is very typical to find in my memory cards. Esther likes to take photos of herself, and not tell me. I found this one, and well decided to keep it. We had a birthday party for both girls on Sunday after church. (Gayle turns 5 on Wednesday) I will post pictures of the party when I have a little more time...Our world is sort of turned upside down at the moment...I will explain later...not the baby...we have a bat infestation...Like I said ...I will explain later:) At any baby girl is growing up so fast...and well, I did not want to let the day pass without wishing her the very best!!! I love you Essie McGuessie!

1 comment:

Full of Grace said...

Happy Birthday Esther, aka Holly Hobbie :) You too Gayle! I hope you both have wonderful birthdays :)