Monday, September 18, 2006


Hi everyone! How was the weekend? Ours was very nice...Cory went to football practice while the kids and I attempted to sleep in...then since it was Corys first payday...we went grocery shopping :) I was pretty excited because I had a coupon for Yankee Candle for buy one get one....I was all over that like a fat kid on a cupcake :) I only really said that because the scent I got was "vanilla cupcake" smelled so yummy! Then, we were off to Pennys...Cory had a gift card for $30 and I had just gotten a coupon in the mail for $10 off....Oh yeah...we made out like bandits!!!! Later on that day, I visited Motherhood Maternity...I saw a Pea Coat that was so sweet looking...I tried it on, and I think I could wear it even when I am not prego...some of you know that I dont EVER wear a coat...especially when girth is just too wide :( This will do nicely...I told Cory it could be a Birthday gift or something.
I like being pregnant...I know some women don't...but I love it. I love maternity clothes too...they are so comfy. Maybe it is because I am not exactly slim, and being prego is so forgiving...anyways...whatever it is...I just like it. What I dont like is the prego hormones that go along with it. Yesterday I was driving back from the store all by myself and a song was playing on the radio...I don't know what it is called, maybe "I held her first" or "I loved her first" But, I was okay until they mentioned the freckles on the girl...and then I just lost it and bawled and bawled...Of course, I had to tell Cory about it...and I broke into tears...He always says the same thing..."oh Wenner"....Then the kids look at me funny, and I have to explaiu myself...what a mess.
I have no more books to read...I may have to make an emergency trip to the library after I take I-man to school tomorrow....I am going thru withdrawal...Rebecca, I have not forgotten about those books I was going to send you...I'll see...but you know how I didn't get your wedding gift for over a year :)
Oh, well...that is it for asked about ultra sound? I will probably have one around 16-20 it wont be long...and let us hope the kiddo will cooperate...I too would like to know who this little tyke is :) Still am not sure about the names....I suppose we have time however :)
Have a fabulous day everyone.....guten tag! (I think that is German for good day!) (Why the German? I dont know)


Rebecca said...

I am in desperate need of some new candles! Isn't it funny how a simple candle burning can make you feel all happy and cozy!?!?!

Dont feel bad~I had forgotten about those books too! X-)

Wendy said...

Try Wal*Mart...they have a short 3 wick candle in their "mainstay" line that smells soooo good...pumpkin spice and warm apple pie I think...they are only $2.50 and they have a strong smell to permeate a it!