Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Hi everyone. I have to say that my week has not started out as I would have liked it too. Yesterday, while at a friends birthday celebration...Esther chucked. I felt so bad because I was not able to take care of the mess...less I chuck myself. I have been so sensitive to that kind of stuff with this pregnancy. Thankfully our good friend took care of that for me...but not without describing all the chunder...just to make me wretch...disgusting...sorry.
Today when we all woke up, Esther said she had a headache...I had been having really bad head aches too...but I just chalked it up to being prego...I gave her some Tylenol...and she just preceeded to look miserable. Isaac is very picky about his clothes...not about "looking nice", but about comfort. Since today was library day, I chose something "churchish"...khaki shorts and a nice collared short sleeve shirt...rather baggy too..so it is comfy. The girls and I kind of just rolled out of bed, and I dressed us all in sweats and t-shirts...our agenda was the Library and doing some Laundry...no need to dress up. Isaac looked so handsome and we looked so frumpy...yet he glared at me and said..."why do you guys get to wear the good stuff?" I just had to laugh, I felt so unkempt...and yet here I was being envied....Another reason I love my son so. :)
Today at the library I got some books and videos for the kiddos and myself...and then I noticed a rack of books all 50 cents a piece...I picked up a John Grisham book for my Dad called The Summons. I hope you have not read it yet...have you Dad? I was excited about it because he really likes to read his books, and this book looked brand new!
The kiddos have soccer practice tonight. I hope Essie is okay to go...she will be so upset if she has to miss it. Cory has a scrimage at one of the highschools...he will meet up with us at soccer practice. Supper tonight is only for the gourmets....ala sloppy joes...garnished with chips and dip...this is the only meal we buy chips and dip for...so you can imagine how excited we are...oh yeah! It is hard for me to get "real meals" on soccer days...unless it is from the crockpot...so we try to make it fast and easy, and easy for Cory to make when he gets home. I bought a box meal called supper bakes...it is for Lemon chicken...you just add the chicken, I think there is rice with it too...I had a dollar off coupon..and chicken in the fridge...soooo I thought I might give it a try and see how we like it.
Hope your week is going better than mine :)


Rebecca said...

Sorry for all the sickies going around...hope you guys get to feeling better!!!

Jemit said...

Me too.. I'm hoping you are all back to normal now and over the yuckies..
the thought of lemon chicken sounds so good right now......