Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Little hands make great big messes
wiping dirt on jeans and dresses,
handling yucky slimy things
toads and worms and grasshopper wings.
They leave their prints on glass and walls
and Mom and Dad must clean it all.

But little hands give great big hugs
who cares if they've been touching bugs?
They fit in Dad's pocket when they're cold,
and warm Moms heart when she's feeling old.
Little hands deserve to be kissed
wont be long until they're missed.


Anonymous said...

I like this poem. Sounds kind of familiar. You must have been talking about Katherine:-)

Your cousin Andrew

Wendy said...

Hi Andrew!!! Welcome to my blogsite! Yes this is a sad poem about our kids growing up way to fast....Hope all is well!

Anonymous said...

We are fine. Looks like it is going to be a hot summer out here. We at least had 2 or 3 days of below 90 degree weather. Katherine loves slimming (swimming in the pool).

Good to see you online.


Wendy said...

Tell Katherine we love slimming too! The kids are going to take lessons again this summer...I would like to learn myself...I cant seem to swim underwater without holding my nose...how embarrassing!