Thursday, June 22, 2006


Today is the last day of School for I-man. After today my little big boy is officially a "big kid first grader"...he had the time of his life at school and did really well. As far as we know he will be going to the same school next year. There is a possibility that he could be moved to the school that Cory is going to go, but we prefer that he stays where he is presently. I am so proud of Isaac and all that he has accomplished! He has worked so hard at school, and at home with Cory and I...I hope his first grade year is just as Fabulous! Well done I-man!
With the last day of school, comes the first day of summer vacation! Yippeee! Actually Corys last day does not start till Friday. He will end the day by going golfing with some of the teachers. Tonight there is a party to say farewell to some of the staff who are going to other buildings (Cory) and for those who are being let go due to seniority is sure to be a good time!
I will be doing wash, and making lists, packing, and getting last minute scheduling in order today and Friday. Saturday at 4a.m. we leave for our vacation. We will end up in a little Further into Ohio on Monday to see our Friends the Somas, McDonalds, and Bumps...then we will trek back to Pittsburgh later that evening and stay with my sister J.J. and her husband Keith. My family is from that area, so we will be visiting with them while we are there, and then on our way back thru...we plan to stop at the Newman Homestead in the State College area. Then it will be back home for us..........
The middle of July brings the girls B-day. Esther will be 4~ Gayle will be 2! A birthday party will be planned, and executed!
The 4th of July takes us to the cottage for Moms B-day and also for a fireworks display from Cliff...each year it gets bigger and better! Thanks Cliff!
The end of July we head to Black Lake NY for some fishing! Cory and I will cut the trip short by a day and come back for a wedding...(I love weddings....sigh) We also have a wedding in August to go to too! (yippee!)
Our summer is going to be jammed packed already...and I have even more things planned! I feel like it will be a Fabulous time and I am so glad that we can get started! Hope you all have a Great Summer!

1 comment:

Jemit said...

congratulations, Isaac.. I am soooooooo proud of you! You are growing up way too fast.. Next year you will be a big first grader. Have fun fishing this summer.. See you next week!