Tuesday, April 04, 2006

More Trivia

This is another question taken from Trivial Pursuit......."What was the first Ready-to-eat breakfast cereal?"


Jemit said...

OH, brother.....now I'm really guessing.. corn flakes?

Jane said...

I saw this on the biography channel. It was cornflakes. They were invented by Kellog in or for a hospital. It was a hospital for those people who don't eat meat. Vegetarians. Not Jehovah's Witnesses. Not Mormans. Hmmmmmmm......
7th Day Adventists.

Wendy said...

You are both WRONG....It was Shredded Wheat....Interesting...I would have said Quaker Oats...but I suppose that is not considered "ready-to-eat". We are all losers...(some more than others...he he he...just kidding)